26 August 2008

Weekend weekend weekend

Lately I'm into photos with lower saturations, with faded background and certain strong colours of some objects. I think I was influenced by some music video. Haha!
I'm kinda lazy to upload the older sets of photos. So I just rewind the whole thing and start with the latest set.

Last saturday, we went to a place opposite Bona's house. This was my first time going there although I've been to Bona's house so many times. There's a big lake, or it's actually a sea?!

I think they call it 曝光? But I think it looks quite interesting, it looks like houses floating in the air. Ok, think too much.

Beautiful sunlight.

I like this. He looks kinda shy but cute. Like his smile.. so true.

Then we went to the horse riding club. I don't really like the atmosphere there, it's crowded and.. i just felt uneasy and unsafe there. But we're managed to find a place with few people, so it's fine.

Taken by Bona.

This photo looks warm for me although it's not good to bring kids to place like that. But it brings me some memories. When I was young, my parents brought me to the horse riding club too in Sandakan. And I still remember that I ate hotdog there, or fishball? Something to do with food la.. Haha!

I find that this photo looks quite interesting. 3 people with 3 different poses of sitting, 3 different kinds of feeling too perhaps.

'Uncle-of-the-day'!! HAHA! Because this uncle looks really cool for us, his wearing and his poses, he is elegant. Lol!

This kakak was with another lady that day and both of them were friendly. I just can't help of snapping her. I was in dilemma whether or not I should request her to smile as I think it isn't good to take her picture without asking her, and she was just sitting next to us! But.. I still ended up shooting her secretly.

Then we're leaving the club to next station, Tanjung Aru beach.

So we arrived to the beach..

Took this accidentally. 3 of us were pointing our cameras at them when they were cycling and pass by us. I think we scared them, again.

I like the bottom 2 photos, couldn't choose one to upload, so I uploaded both with different interpretations.

It's always romantic to see couples walking along the beach in the evening, especially the time for sunset.
However, the evening at beach does not only belong to couples..

Everyone can also have the moment with their dear friends..Just like them.

And also just like us.. having fun on the beach. I hoped our laughter didn't affect people enjoying their moment. Lol.

It's time to go home. Looking forward to next meet-up.
夕陽西下, 我們高高興興得滿載而歸.
Haha! Isn't it sound familiar?

Well go to bed.
Tomorrow going to watch You Don't Mess with Zohan. Yay!! Adam Sandler!!!!


kristy said...

i like ur pics very much, the compositions are richy-good lar! the colour very nice also, got edit with photoshop?

Wansim said...

Hey thanks Kristy! :)
Yea, i used photoshop for most of them, hehe.. The photos always look sharp in the camera but it turns out to be faded after transferred to laptop, too bad.. so I must at least edit the contrast. And also sometimes play with some other functions that Kak taught me..

kristy said...


yea lor i think maybe camera's lcd screen is smaller so the colour of the pic is sharper n denser. which application u always use to adjust the contrast?

Wansim said...

The contrast I just simply use the 'brightness and contrast' in photoshop. Then others I sometimes use 'colour balance' which Kak taught me and also I play with the 'hue and saturation' too..hehe..

kristy said...

alright ok, thanks!