26 August 2008

Weekend weekend weekend

Lately I'm into photos with lower saturations, with faded background and certain strong colours of some objects. I think I was influenced by some music video. Haha!
I'm kinda lazy to upload the older sets of photos. So I just rewind the whole thing and start with the latest set.

Last saturday, we went to a place opposite Bona's house. This was my first time going there although I've been to Bona's house so many times. There's a big lake, or it's actually a sea?!

I think they call it 曝光? But I think it looks quite interesting, it looks like houses floating in the air. Ok, think too much.

Beautiful sunlight.

I like this. He looks kinda shy but cute. Like his smile.. so true.

Then we went to the horse riding club. I don't really like the atmosphere there, it's crowded and.. i just felt uneasy and unsafe there. But we're managed to find a place with few people, so it's fine.

Taken by Bona.

This photo looks warm for me although it's not good to bring kids to place like that. But it brings me some memories. When I was young, my parents brought me to the horse riding club too in Sandakan. And I still remember that I ate hotdog there, or fishball? Something to do with food la.. Haha!

I find that this photo looks quite interesting. 3 people with 3 different poses of sitting, 3 different kinds of feeling too perhaps.

'Uncle-of-the-day'!! HAHA! Because this uncle looks really cool for us, his wearing and his poses, he is elegant. Lol!

This kakak was with another lady that day and both of them were friendly. I just can't help of snapping her. I was in dilemma whether or not I should request her to smile as I think it isn't good to take her picture without asking her, and she was just sitting next to us! But.. I still ended up shooting her secretly.

Then we're leaving the club to next station, Tanjung Aru beach.

So we arrived to the beach..

Took this accidentally. 3 of us were pointing our cameras at them when they were cycling and pass by us. I think we scared them, again.

I like the bottom 2 photos, couldn't choose one to upload, so I uploaded both with different interpretations.

It's always romantic to see couples walking along the beach in the evening, especially the time for sunset.
However, the evening at beach does not only belong to couples..

Everyone can also have the moment with their dear friends..Just like them.

And also just like us.. having fun on the beach. I hoped our laughter didn't affect people enjoying their moment. Lol.

It's time to go home. Looking forward to next meet-up.
夕陽西下, 我們高高興興得滿載而歸.
Haha! Isn't it sound familiar?

Well go to bed.
Tomorrow going to watch You Don't Mess with Zohan. Yay!! Adam Sandler!!!!

20 August 2008

The last 2 days..

So finally I'm going to finish uploading the KL photos.

Took some random photos from the hotel room when I was boring.

In HK they call it the 'colour-bricks'. 彩虹磚?

I went to watch movie, The Mummy, with Tankok's brother. And we went to have some desserts in the Garden..

Tankok's brother, Kam Wai. He had Bubuchacha? Or Jendol? I forgot.. hahah..

Then I took some random photos before we headed to airport..

The TM Net tower, if I'm not mistaken, which was the 'sign board' for us when we got lost or got stuck on the road in somewhere. We're always relieved when we saw that tower as it means that we're nearly home. HAHA!

The reflection.

And then..

I'm back to KK. Hehe.

Anyways, there're another ton of photos are waited to be arranged. -_-"
K, go to bed.
Tomorrow need to get up quite early for the don't know what kind of injection which is a must before going to UK. @_@

19 August 2008

Getting lazier lately, even don't feel like doing anything for the photographs, especially when there're tons of them. Goodness.
They have been accumulated for ages.
Should have immediately arranged them once I transferred them into laptop.
... 有早知就無乞丐。-_-"
K la, stop talking rubbish.
Below are photos in KL (yes, still the KL photos)

That was the day I got my visa! Yay!! :) I'm ready to go UK.. WooHoo~

This was taken when we're waiting for taxi, obviously.

Then, yea.. we went Pavilion again.
I like their staircase in the main entrance, it looks like building in Japan. That was what Tankok and I always say. Haha! But seriously it really looks like a building in Japan I went, it's also a shopping mall but the staircase was far longer.

Went to the Executive Lounge again in the afternoon as I got nothing to do..

I like the colour of this photo and it didn't need any touch-up. It's just naturally beautiful.

Then I went back to hotel room while my parents were still in the Lounge.

That day when I was thinking of I'm going to UK very soon, I had a weird feeling. I felt sad to leave my home and leave my parents. Also, I'm leaving him. Hhmm.. but anyway, I've pursuaded myself that it'll be fun to have a new life in UK, anyhow, it's just a year. Time flies right.. I'll come back again very soon.
So, I hope everything will goes smoothly.

Go to bed.

17 August 2008


I really love this small little white robot. His name is M-O. HAHA! His job is to clean the plane, I think it's a plane. Whatever. And he really has OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) cause he can't stand dirt. "Foreign contamination" is the word keep appearing in his sight (he is a robot). Then he even crossed his line (which he couldn't initially because it'll mess up the system on the plane), to clean the dirt. HAHAHA!

K, sorry I can't help to leak a little part of the movie as I really like that part. M-O is so cute! HAHA!

Btw, went out to Padang Merdeka with Kak and Bona today for our usual weekends plan. But the sky was cloudy, so we didn't really have the mood to take many photos as we did last week. But I'm still happy to have a nice talk with them and get the chance to eat the nice goreng pisang from Big Mama stall. Lol.
Big Mama was the name for Kok Tung last time. HAHA!

K la, go to bed now.
Will continue to upload the pictures later.

15 August 2008

My lovely dear friends:)

Had been really sick yesterday due to the period-pain. Goodness.. I even cancelled the dentistry appointment.
Why do women suffer this kind of pain every month?!
Tankok once told me women are much tougher than men because women can stand the pain of giving birth and also the period pain. Hahahah..
Don't feel like doing the photos at all. No reason. Maybe moody and lazy is another side effect besides the pain.

Anyways, I chatted with Laysan just now and she told me about the 2 Chinese people got killed in Newcastle news. So scary. Thanks Laysan for the advices and, also at the same time, I wanna say sorry to her for my 'chong hee-ness'. HAHA! She was literally irritated.
I'm blessed to have friends that can actually stand my long-winded personality. lol. I think I really repeated the same questions over and over again. Man..

I realise I really miss my friends.
I probably can't meet Laysan when she's back as I'm going to UK. Hhmm.. And I realise that Utmost is always Utmost.
I will really miss the days that Bona, Kak and I went for our so called weekends-shooting-sessions. Haha! We really know how to entertain ourselves.
Hhmmpphh.. It has been long time since the last time of the Utmost reunion.
I hope after few years, even we didn't meet up for few years, we still be able to entertain each others as we did. Haha! Maybe just like in the movie Sex and the City. I envy their friendship and I think I will have it too! I believe..
Arggghhh!!! That's why I really hate having period. It makes me emo-ing :s Haha..

Well, I hope everyone is doing great in their life :) Not only Utmost k, everyone who think that I'm their friend, everyone who cares about me!

And tomorrow I'm going to watch Wall E !!
I'm so happy!! The movie's trailer looks cute and quite funny.. so.. I just wanna release my tension. Although I don't know what kind of tension I'm having.

Friends are supposed to hold each other.. even after many many years.
Maybe when we got really old, at ages of 60 or 70 or 80..., the yellowed pictures will bring us back the memories. :)