08 August 2008

Day 1 in KL.

Finally transferred all the photos to my laptop, arranged parts of it and chose some from one of the parts to upload.
Below are some of the photos which were taken on the first day I went KL for visa application.

Before heading to KL..

Saw this right before landing on KL..

I can't believe there are so many colours for the lakes, are those lakes? Anyways, I personally think it's so beautiful, so I took the risk and switch on the electronic device which is my camera to take down this.

Landed on KL.

View from hotel room in Bolevard..

Then at night I went to the executive lounge on 26th floor.. Just couldn't resist the beautiful night scene.

I feel the Christmas, don't know why. Haha!

I think this looks like stars and seems glittering. Kinda learn this skill from kak when we were in Karambunai day trip :)
And I really like night view with lotsa lights and I feel like I'm in a very beautiful city such as NYC? HAHA! It worsen the global warming problem though.
Mentioning NY, I miss the month in US especially those days with my cousins, miss them. That was the longest trip I've ever been.

Hmm.. maybe the coming months which I'll spend in UK will replace the US and become the LONGEST trip in my life. Lol. Or it will be part of my life instead of the longest trip. Whatever.
Not to forget the 4 years in KL, I wouldn't forget it as I've grown up alots within the 4 years.
Going to bed now. Gotta go see nose specialist tomorrow. :(
I don't like him putting something like a small tube into my nose, it's weird feeling and pain! Hopefully I don't need it tomorrow.
Pictures will be continued.

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