23 May 2008

Planet is calling for help..

Omg. I'm shocked by the movie, An Inconvenient Truth.
Watched the trailer and I'm definitely going to watch it after exams.

The whole planet will go underwater? that's so scary.
I think it's true that everyone should do something to save the planet.
Just a little and simple thing in our life, it may help the world in large.
As now even the fashion is encouraging people go green, from I saw in the magz.
Or as what I saw from the Oprah show, we may use some electric saving lightbulb etc.

Arrr.. I don't know. Maybe it's easy to say 'save the planet' but how when everyone is thinking no big deal if once a while I use plastic bag.
Sometimes, I don't want a plastic bag when I go grocer but it's hard to prevent when you buy lotsa thing, how are you going to buy stuffs without plastic bags?
Yea, they got the grocer bag which you can re-use, I got that, but always I forgot to bring it when I grocer. hahahah.. I should get used to this habit by bringing that grocer bag.
People always think of thousands reasons to avoid being responsible a little.

One said to me, if the planet is really that matter to us, if it's really matter to think about saving the planet, why don't we first think of helping ourselves?
Well, I didn't say we shouldn't think of ourselves and just blindly care about the world.
But even if we earn billions and trillions dolars but suddenly the world gone into underworld and all the money becomes nothing. What's the point then?
Can't we do both of things, earning money and saving the planet, in the same time?
Since we just need to contribute a little in our daily life and it could save the planet, why not doing it?

It may be controversial about my thoughts. But whatever lahh.. I just feel really bad after watching the Inconvenient Truth trailer and I think something has to be done.
We are not the victims of the natural disaster, we won't know how they truly feel. We may feel sympathetic to them but that's not enough, donate some money would be good but that's still not enough, praying for them but what's the point since it has already happened, what we should do is to prevent next disaster happens.

Just a little thought.
But one thing is true which is I should go back to books and revise before disaster happens to me. -_-" hahahah..

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