24 April 2009

Justice is cool. Lol.

I was reading poeple's blog in the library to neutralise the dull atmosphere. Not willing to study. Not willing to touch the damn-thick-book. Loss passion, loss motivation.

Suddenly, I found my passion! And I decided to finish up what I've started, to catch my young-age-dream. It's all because of...

"... 有這樣的一個傻人,因為<壹號皇庭>,因為阿Cat (陳慧珊),跑了去讀 Law.... 這些年後,終於走入三十二號法庭,披上robe,宣誓....
... 而這個傻人,把robe試上身的時候,笑不合嘴,讚了自己一句:「嘩!勁型呀!」 --> 到最後,都是為了型?!"
(from MamiMamA's blog)

It reminds me of my dream. It touches me. It makes me imagine the day when I finally appear in the court with the robe. AHHHHHhhhhhhh..so cool :)

I'll be very happy. My parents will be very happy.

To be or not to be a lawyer is a matter, to achieve or not to achieve my dream is another.
They are not the same matter.
Ok, craps.

Read with a smiley face :)

And not to forget, it's been 3 months!
Looking forward to the 4th month, also 5th, 6th, 7th.................never-ending-monthsssssss.
Thanks my dear boyfriend for everything he'd done for me.

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