25 January 2008


刚刚看了 <律征新人王II>. 依家感触良多.
部戏重复又重复地讲 "伸张正义, 坚持公义"
我相信公义.我知道好老土. 不过...

自小, 我就好喜欢看香港剧. 而且好受影响.
小时候, 我好仰慕那些律师伸张正义的态度. 哈哈!
我本应因为正义而选择读law. 无夸张o架!
但是,现实很残酷. 我开始渐渐,很不愿意地怀疑公义到底有无存在.做戏就有很多..
如果知道公义不存在,o甘我做么要读law? 好思考性的问题..我无答案.Passion o瓜..

因为公义? 钱? 兴趣?

有时,我想好多没有答案的问题. 我周不时都同Tankok呢度呻,个度呻.问呢嗰,问个嗰.


Btw, now I know it is so hard to type chinese words with all the pinying!! HAHA!
But chinese words can always express better.


laysan said...

i watched 'atonement' and it was not as good as what i expected, kinda disappointed..i watched 'sweeney todd' as well, one word, gross.

o ya, the five people you meet in heaven is out on youtube now

Wansim said...

Actually that day i wanted to ask you not to expect too much for Atonement de lohh. Cause normally, when i told someone how good the movie is, the result will end up as disappointment due to high expectation.HAHA!
btw, I wanted to watch Sweeney Todd!! but really gross ar.. shit..how??!!watch or not? how's Johnny Depp performance??

the 5 people you meet in heaven I wacthed a bit dy.. but it is not as good as Tuesdays with Morrie right.

laysan said...

i was comparing it with movies like 'becoming jane' and 'pride and prejudice'..i think mayb thats y it was not as good as i thought it would be..

heard of Colbie Caillat? her songs are damn nice..i like 'bubbly'

Wansim said...

'becoming jane' is what movie? nice ar? I just bought 'pride and prejudice' cause i like the director. but i havent watched yet..haha!

yaya, 'bubly'is nice! I heard it from radio. but it keep playing recently. -_-"

laysan said...

pride and prejudice is written by jane austen..so becoming jane is abt jane austen's life..i luv both these movies..nice..

Wansim said...

owhhhh.. icic. okok, I'll try to find that movie. I crave for movies recently. haha!